

Normal: 660 x 570 x 700 mm
XL: 660 x 660 x 700 mm

Printing area

Normal: 390 x 145 x 145 mm
XL: 390 x 235 x 145 mm

Production speed

>1hr per pair based on shape/design/density


Normal: 37Kg
XL: 43Kg

High resolution

0.1 - 0.6 mm

Power consuption

<100W while printing <40W while idle


Normal: 660 x 570 x 700 mm
XL: 660 x 660 x 700 mm

Printing area

Normal: 390 x 145 x 145 mm
XL: 390 x 235 x 145 mm

Production Speed

>1hr per pair based on shape/design/density



High Resolution

0.1 - 0.6 mm

Power Consuption

<100W while printing
<40W while idle

Technical Specifications

  • Offline printing connection: USB stick
  • Online printing connection: Wi-Fi
  • Filament diameter: 1,75mm
  • Filament Shore hardness: from 60A to 95A
  • Temperature up to 285°C, nozzle diameter 0,8mm.
  • Multilayer strategy
    Shore of different density areas/elements from 30A to 70D
  • Filament dryer always included
  • Printing materials are SKIN CONTACT APPROVED

Zone density selection and patent algorithm

Patented gradient transition zones algorithm

printing strategy algorithms make the foot does not feel the density jump between the different zones

4 Different selections of the bottom

  • Bottom straight
  • Bottom shaped
  • Surface only
  • Heel stability
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